The first ever ‘Photo Book’ on the first Lady of independent India


The first ever ‘Photo Book’ on the first Lady of independent India Smt. Rajvanshi Devi wife of the First President of India Dr. Rajendra Prasad was released by the Hon’ble Governor Smt . Anandien on 26th Aug 2021 at Raj Bhawan soon after the arrival of the President Sri. Ram Nath Kovind and the Present First Lady Hon’ble Smt. Savita Kovind.
The book is published by Amit kumar, Great Grand nephew on the occasion of 125th.marriege year of Dr. Rajendra Prasad and his wife Smt. Rajvanshi Devi.
On the occasion the author Amit Kumar, Lt. Col Seemit Kumar ,Nishith Kumar all {Great Grand nephews }and Dr.Vaibhav Khanna trustee of Dr.Rajendra Prasad Foundation were present.
The Governor praised the effort of the author and the foundation in bringing it to records. She said that the first lady of independent India Rajvanshi Devi was a religious, pious and patriotic lady. She always supported Dr.Rajendra Prasad in freedom movements.
This book also carried the message of the present First Lady Smt. Savita Kovind and carries a collection of rare photographs of Rajvanshi devi and narrations of her marriage with Rajender Babu.
This book will be presented to the First Lady during her visit to Lucknow Mr.Amit Informed
