The Department of Administrative Reforms and Public Grievances (DARPG) released the 29th Report Centralized Public Grievance Redress and Monitoring System (CPGRAMS) for States/UTs of December, 2024

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60,651 PG cases were received by States/UTs in December, 2024

A total of 67,193 grievances redressed by States/UTs in December, 2024. Pendency in States/UTs stands at 1,85,519 grievances, lowest ever in 2024

The Department of Administrative Reforms and Public Grievances (DARPG) released the Centralized Public Grievance Redress and Monitoring System (CPGRAMS) 29th monthly report for States/UTs for December, 2024. The said report provides a detailed analysis of types and categories of public grievances and the nature of disposal by the States/UTs.

A total of 67,193 grievances were redressed by the States and Union Territories in December, 2024. The pendency of grievances on the CPGRAMS portal stands at 1,85,519 grievances across the States/UTs Governments, as of 31st December, 2024, the lowest ever recorded in year 2024.

The report provides the data for new users registered on CPGRAMS through CPGRAMS Portal in the month of December, 2024. A total of 56,490 new users registered in the month of December, 2024, with maximum registrations from Uttar Pradesh (8,476) registrations.

The said report also provides the state-wise analysis on the grievances registered through Common Service Centres in December, 2024. CPGRAMS has been integrated with the Common Service Centre (CSC) portal and is available at more than 5 lakh CSCs, associating with 2.5 lakh Village Level Entrepreneurs (VLEs). 6,674 grievances were registered through CSCs in the month of December, 2024, in which maximum grievances were filed from Uttar Pradesh (1,638 grievances) followed by Odisha(1,299 grievances). It also highlights the major issues/categories for which the maximum grievances were registered through CSCs.

In December, 2024, the Feedback Call Centre collected 47,238feedbacks. 51% citizens expressed satisfaction with the resolution provided on their grievances for the Top 10 States/UTs in December, 2024.

Uttar Pradesh has received the maximum number of grievances in December, 2024 with the number standing at 22,637 grievances. 16 States/UTs have received more than 1,000 grievances in the month of December, 2024. Uttar Pradesh and Maharashtra disposed the maximum number of grievances in December, 2024, with the number standing at 22,598and 4,988 grievances respectively.

The report also includes the status of grants released under the Sevottam Scheme in the FY 2023-24 and FY 2024-25. In the last three Financial Years (2022-23, 2023-24, 2024-25), 669 training courses have been completed, in which ~21,862 officers have been trained.

S No. Financial Year Training Conducted Officers Trained
1 2022-23 280 8,496
2 2023-24 236 8,477
3 2024-25 153 4,889
TOTAL 669 21,862

Key Highlights for the month of December, 2024, are as follows:

  1. Status of Public Grievances on CPGRAMS:
  • In December, 2024, 60,651PG cases were received for the States/UTs and 67,193PG cases were redressed.
  • The monthly disposal in States/UTs increased from 56,650 PG cases at the end of November, 2024, to 67,193 PGcases at the end of December, 2024
  1. Status of Pendency of Public Grievances on CPGRAMS
  • 23 States/UTs have more than 1,000 pending grievances as on 31st December, 2024.
  • For States/UTs, as on 31st December, 2024, there exists a pendency of 1,85,519 PG cases, lowest ever pendency recorded in the year 2024
  • The pendency in the States/UTs has decreased from 1,92,012 PG cases at the end of November, 2024 to 1,85,519 PG cases at the end of December, 2024

The report also features 2 success stories of effective grievance resolution from States/UTs:

    1. Grievance of Smt. Nitu Kumari: Addition of beneficiary name under Mukhyamantri Maiya Samman Yojana

Smt. Neetu Kumari, a resident of Dhanbad District, had been attempting to enrol her name in the Mukhyamantri Maiya Samaan Yojana and obtain a sanction order. She regularly visited the Panchayat Bhavan but faced disappointment due to server issues. Additionally, she mentioned that she couldn’t leave her 3-year-old child at home every day to complete the enrolment process. Feeling dejected, she filed a grievance on CPGRAMS. Following her complaint, her name was successfully enrolled in the scheme, and she began receiving financial assistance.

    1. Grievance of  Shri Ronak  Mahaveerchand Kanunga: Application under process for amendment in place of business

Shri Ronak Mahaveerchand Kanunga, a resident of Valsad district, Gujarat, filed an application for an amendment in the registration core under ‘Change of Principal Place of Business.’ However, the application remained under process even 10 days after submission. The concerned citizen subsequently raised a grievance on the CPGRAMS portal. A report submitted by the State Tax Inspector following a spot visit confirmed that the complainant’s business was operational. Consequently, the citizen’s amendment application was approved by the field officer within nearly three weeks, resolving the grievance to citizen’s satisfaction.

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