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The National Statistics Office (NSO) under Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (MoSPI) conducts survey on Household Consumption Expenditure at regular interval. Two back-to-back surveys on Household Consumption Expenditure were conducted during August, 2023-July, 2024 and August, 2022-July, 2023. From the results of these two surveys, the estimates of average Monthly Per Capita Consumption Expenditure (MPCE) for 2022-23 & 2023-24 along with percentage change in MPCE during 2023-24 from the level of 2022-23 across States/UTs separately for rural and urban India have been derived and these are given below in Table 1:

Table 1: Average monthly per capita consumption expenditure (MPCE) byState/UT and sector
State/UT/All-India Average MPCE (Rs) % change in MPCE in 2023-24 from 2022-23
2022-23 2023-24
Rural Urban Rural Urban Rural Urban
Andhra Pradesh 4,870 6,782 5,327 7,182 9.4 5.9
Arunachal Pradesh 5,276 8,636 5,995 9,832 13.6 13.8
Assam 3,432 6,136 3,793 6,794 10.5 10.7
Bihar 3,384 4,768 3,670 5,080 8.5 6.5
Chhattisgarh 2,466 4,483 2,739 4,927 11.1 9.9
Delhi 6,576 8,217 7,400 8,534 12.5 3.9
Goa 7,367 8,734 8,048 9,726 9.2 11.4
Gujarat 3,798 6,621 4,116 7,175 8.4 8.4
Haryana 4,859 7,911 5,377 8,427 10.7 6.5
Himachal Pradesh 5,561 8,075 5,825 9,223 4.7 14.2
Jharkhand 2,763 4,931 2,946 5,393 6.6 9.4
Karnataka 4,397 7,666 4,903 8,076 11.5 5.3
Kerala 5,924 7,078 6,611 7,783 11.6 10.0
Madhya Pradesh 3,113 4,987 3,441 5,538 10.5 11.0
Maharashtra 4,010 6,657 4,145 7,363 3.4 10.6
Manipur 4,360 4,880 4,531 5,945 3.9 21.8
Meghalaya 3,514 6,433 3,852 7,839 9.6 21.9
Mizoram 5,224 7,655 5,963 8,709 14.1 13.8
Nagaland 4,393 7,098 5,155 8,022 17.3 13.0
Odisha 2,950 5,187 3,357 5,825 13.8 12.3
Punjab 5,315 6,544 5,817 7,359 9.4 12.5
Rajasthan 4,263 5,913 4,510 6,574 5.8 11.2
Sikkim 7,731 12,105 9,377 13,927 21.3 15.1
Tamil Nadu 5,310 7,630 5,701 8,165 7.4 7.0
Telangana 4,802 8,158 5,435 8,978 13.2 10.1
Tripura 5,206 7,405 6,259 8,034 20.2 8.5
Uttar Pradesh 3,191 5,040 3,481 5,395 9.1 7.0
Uttarakhand 4,641 7,004 5,003 7,486 7.8 6.9
West Bengal 3,239 5,267 3,620 5,775 11.8 9.6
Andaman & N. Island 7,332 10,268 7,771 10,453 6.0 1.8
Chandigarh 7,467 12,575 8,857 13,425 18.6 6.8
Dadra & Nagar Haveli and Daman & Diu 4,184 6,298 4,311 6,837 3.0 8.6
Jammu & Kashmir 4,296 6,179 4,774 6,327 11.1 2.4
Ladakh 4,035 6,215 5,010 7,533 24.2 21.2
Lakshadweep 5,895 5,475 6,350 6,377 7.7 16.5
Puducherry 6,590 7,706 7,598 8,637 15.3 12.1
All-India 3,773 6,459 4,122 6,996 9.2 8.3
Source: NSS Report no. 591: Survey on Household Consumption Expenditure: 2022-23 & 592: Survey on Household Consumption Expenditure: 2023-24

The estimates of average Monthly Per Capita Consumption Expenditure (MPCE) during the period 2022-23 & 2023-24 across States/UTs, separately for rural and urban India are given below in Table 2:

Table 2: Average MPCE and urban-rural differences in MPCE in 2022-23 and 2023-24 across States/UTs
State/UT/All-India 2022-23 2023-24
Average MPCE (Rs.) Urban-Rural differences (%) in MPCE Average MPCE (Rs.) Urban-Rural differences (%) in MPCE
Rural Urban Rural Urban
Andhra Pradesh 4,870 6,782 39 5,327 7,182 35
Arunachal Pradesh 5,276 8,636 64 5,995 9,832 64
Assam 3,432 6,136 79 3,793 6,794 79
Bihar 3,384 4,768 41 3,670 5,080 38
Chhattisgarh 2,466 4,483 82 2,739 4,927 80
Delhi 6,576 8,217 25 7,400 8,534 15
Goa 7,367 8,734 19 8,048 9,726 21
Gujarat 3,798 6,621 74 4,116 7,175 74
Haryana 4,859 7,911 63 5,377 8,427 57
Himachal Pradesh 5,561 8,075 45 5,825 9,223 58
Jharkhand 2,763 4,931 78 2,946 5,393 83
Karnataka 4,397 7,666 74 4,903 8,076 65
Kerala 5,924 7,078 19 6,611 7,783 18
Madhya Pradesh 3,113 4,987 60 3,441 5,538 61
Maharashtra 4,010 6,657 66 4,145 7,363 78
Manipur 4,360 4,880 12 4,531 5,945 31
Meghalaya 3,514 6,433 83 3,852 7,839 104
Mizoram 5,224 7,655 47 5,963 8,709 46
Nagaland 4,393 7,098 62 5,155 8,022 56
Odisha 2,950 5,187 76 3,357 5,825 74
Punjab 5,315 6,544 23 5,817 7,359 27
Rajasthan 4,263 5,913 39 4,510 6,574 46
Sikkim 7,731 12,105 57 9,377 13,927 49
Tamil Nadu 5,310 7,630 44 5,701 8,165 43
Telangana 4,802 8,158 70 5,435 8,978 65
Tripura 5,206 7,405 42 6,259 8,034 28
Uttar Pradesh 3,191 5,040 58 3,481 5,395 55
Uttarakhand 4,641 7,004 51 5,003 7,486 50
West Bengal 3,239 5,267 63 3,620 5,775 60
Andaman & N. Island 7,332 10,268 40 7,771 10,453 35
Chandigarh 7,467 12,575 68 8,857 13,425 52
Dadra & Nagar Haveli and Daman & Diu 4,184 6,298 51 4,311 6,837 59
Jammu & Kashmir 4,296 6,179 44 4,774 6,327 33
Ladakh 4,035 6,215 54 5,010 7,533 50
Lakshadweep 5,895 5,475 -7 6,350 6,377 0
Puducherry 6,590 7,706 17 7,598 8,637 14
All-India 3,773 6,459 71 4,122 6,996 70
Source: NSS Report no. 591: Survey on Household Consumption Expenditure: 2022-23 & 592: Survey on Household Consumption Expenditure: 2023-24

The Government of India has implemented various policies and programs aimed at reducing the disparity in expenditure and improving the living standards between rural and urban areas such as Prime Minister’s Employment Generation Programme (PMEGP), Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS), DeenDayal Upadhyaya Grameen Kaushalya Yojana (DDU-GKY), Rural Self Employment and Training Institutes (RSETIs), DeendayalAntyodaya Yojana-National Urban Livelihoods Mission (DAY-NULM), Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojana (PMMY), Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana (PMJDY), Pradhan Mantri KisanSamman Nidhi (PM-KISAN), Ayushman Bharat, Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Anna Yojana (PMGKAY)Pradhan Mantri AwasYojna (PMAY),Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana (PMUY), etc.

This information was given by the Minister of State (I/C) for the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation, Ministry of Planning and Minister of State in the Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Rao Inderjit Singh in a written reply in the Rajya Sabha today



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